Instructions: Assignment 7. - Review the information given on the Research Paper It is to be found under Modules: The Research Paper Assignment (see a copy below) THE RESEARCH PAPER ASSIGNMENT: Choose any topic of interest to you and show how it has been helped or enhanced by the Internet. What has been the effect of the Internet on your topic? § Get approval for your topic first. Do only preliminary research until your topic is approved. Submit topic for approval via email. § Write down the steps you will be taking to do your research for your Research Paper. Include websites, books and magazine databases you will be using. § Write an outline for your Research Paper and submit by due date. Once your topic is approved, write 7-10 typed (word processed), double-spaced pages on your topic as it relates to the Internet. (A page is 250 words.) Include a Works Cited, or bibliography/webliography which has at least 3 (three) fully cited web sites and references to a book, a magazine article and any other sources such as email, newsgroups, newspaper articles, etc. The Research Paper is due before the final week. You may send me your paper as an attachment via email or through WebCT by the deadline. Each student is required to present their topic and cited websites (at least three) to the class. This is the FINAL. If you have any questions,come to my office or to the Reference Desk in the Library or email me.