
Sunday, February 27, 2005

WEEK 4 & 3, too. 

For WEEK 3: Read through the TIME-TABLE (CHRONOLOGICAL) of the HISTORY of the BOOK from 3500 BC to about 10 years ago. Choose an event. Do additional research on the web or in the physical library using books and encyclopedias. Write one (1) page (250 words) on the topic of your choice. In your own words--do not copy and paste from the Internet!

Also:Read through Hobbes' Internet Timeline v8.0 Copyright (c)1993-2005 by Robert H'obbes' Zakon. Take note of specific events and highlights for future reference. Do not turn in anything on this. DO NOT TURN IN LABS, they are to enhance the course.

WEEK 4 Assignment 4 Click on reviews of search engines. (This website has changed http://www.searchenginewatch.com/reports/reviewchart.html so use the others below.) -Do your own comparison of five (5) search engines. Make 3 different searches and SUBMIT.Do only 3 searches. That is 3 questions, the same question 5 times in 5 different search engines. Choose Yahoo, MSN Search, Google and two others. Give me comparisons based on your results, more than just numbers.

Use these sources to learn more about Search Engines:

1) University of Southern Carolina, Beaufort Library Bare Bones 101: A Basic Tutorial on Searching the Web

2)A Search Engine Relationship Chart with clickable information links.

3)A Search Engine Features Chart from Search Engine Showdown; the Users' Guide to Web Searching.

4)Search Engine Feature Comparison Chart by the Kansas City Public Library in its Search Engines Guide. This compares only 3 engines and links to other information but is a good resource.

RE: the Beginning (or, PreAssessment) Survey, I am having some problems getting the results. This is not a graded item and we are working on it. This glitch will not effect the tests which do not come to my email box.

DON'T FALL BEHIND, CATCH UP NOW and STAY with the CLASS! It will make it easier for you as the semester progresses.

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