
Thursday, April 28, 2005

Research Paper 

Please consider your research topic carefully and submit it to me via the Submit Assignments box. I have only two submissions, and the weeks are flying by.

This is the Research Paper assignment: be sure your topic is effected by the Internet.

Choose any topic of interest to you and show how it has been helped or enhanced by the Internet. What has been the effect of the Internet on your topic? How does your topic relate to the Internet? Once your topic is approved, write 10 typed (word processed), double-spaced pages (word count 2500 min.) Include a Works Cited, section which has at least three (3) fully cited web sites plus references to books, magazine articles and any other sources such as email, newsgroups, and newspaper articles. Determine the topic you will be researching and submit as Assignment 8.

Saturday, April 23, 2005


Please post in the Discussion area via Communications. We have three Discussions: Plagiarism, Netiquette, and the USA PATRIOT Act. Read my post and do some research and then post an opinion. Comment on other student's posts. In order for me to give you a grade you will need to go to the Submit Assignments area. Scroll down to the bottom of the list, after the Presentation. Copy and post your initial statement as an assignment or just place a note "I have posted in the Discussion area". You will usually get a full grade just for posting unless you state something unrelated or not polite. Go to the textbook website on Usenet and scroll the bottom of the screen and read Email Discussion Group and Usenet Newsgroup Etiquette . Read the other material related to discussion groups, too. I will set up a chat time in May for us to have a live chat.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Weeks 8 and 9 (and 7, too) 

Thanks to all of you who have taken the test and submitted your assignments. I'm sorry, I have been so overloaded at work that I am a bit behind in grading. Send me an email if you need an immediate answer. Put LIB015 in the subject heading of your email.

Some of you may have been confused with varying dates between the Modules, Schedule (Calendar) and the Assignments and Submit Assignments pages. It has been difficult to go through all the pages in WebCT and corelate them so let me know if you find an inconsistency. Look to the blog for updates and changes, too. I have moved the Research Paper and Presentation up this semester so they are due earlier, before your other classes (I hope) by WEEK 12. Test 2 will be given on the week following.

I created an icon for you to view each other's Home Pages. You are welcome to send your fello students compliments but do not criticisize them. Save your evaluative criteria and critical thinking for the web pages you are researching for your paper! Check the link on the Course Menu and in Communicate to add your page. You can create a simple diary page in My Spaces (see Jeff's page) or in Blogspot, which is what I use.

My CD ROM The Path to Knowledge and Power is Information Literacy is now available on Reserve at the Library. It can be checked out for 3 days. In addition, it is loaded on all the computers in the Electronic Reference Area (computer lab) in the Library under the icon "Joy's".

More later...