Monday, May 09, 2005
Happy Mother's Day

This is WEEK TWELVE for the Spring Semester in LIBRARY STUDIES 015. Please get your topic approved and complete your research paper and submit. Then prepare a PowerPoint for your PRESENTATION and submit. I will post your Presentations on my blog for other students to see. It should be a short summary of your topic with at least 3 websites given as reference. Document your research in the paper and in the presentation. TEST 2 will be made available next Sunday, May 15. It will be open for a week. Please take it during that time frame. I will keep it open until May 24th. After the last day of the semester, May 27, nothing will be graded or accepted. I will post the final grades on the blog after that so watch the blog.
We will have a chat which I have posted in the calendar. Go to Chat Room 4 and read the quote and give your response. Write in a statement even if you find yourself alone in the room. I will attend off and on from 10 AM-2 PM on Saturday, May 14, 2005. Try to come that day but if you miss it be sure you post a statement because I will copy the chat log and post it here on my blog. You can see past logs in the archives.
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